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Black Hills Yoga School

About Us

The concept behind Black Hills Yoga School is to offer a comprehensive, inclusive teacher training. We believe in all styles of yoga, and aim to teach in a way that open's the student's hearts to Grace, and to how vast and wonderful yoga is.

We hope each student's Journey from student to teacher is profound and deeply foundational. Tremendous spiritual growth is both inevitable and exponential. We believe that a huge part of mentorship happens after training is over. Melody makes sure that she is available for anything each graduating group needs to support their ever expanding self.

Om Namah Shivayah

Testimonials - Black Hills Yoga School

  • Loved taking my training with Melody at Black Hills Yoga School. It was such a fantastic experience diving deep into the history of yoga, prana techniques, teaching cues and so much more!  She made such an amazing atmosphere for us all. I have learned so much and am truly grateful!

    Miranda Beaudin

  • Extremely knowledgeable teacher who taught and demonstrated with a sharp eye on important safety details.  Supportive and encouraging to order to be an excellent teacher one needs to build a strong practice.

    Paula Wilkinson Smith

  • This was a beautiful experience! Melody is so knowledgeable and a wonderful teacher. Her guidance and energy is one of a kind. I feel blessed I had the opportunity to learn from her.

    Julia Tenold

  • I could not have asked for a better teacher.  Melody was not only knowledgeable and kind, but she created an experience that changed me in such a beautiful way.   I will be forever grateful to her and the opportunity I had to go through her YTT.
    Exceptional teacher! I will always recommend her school if asked.

    Stacy Cookie

  • Melody taught a really deep and authentic class.  She covered a wide range of topics with knowledge and enthusiasm.  She made it fun and easy to engage. There was a lot of love in the room! It was amazing this class was found in the Black Hills.

    Daniel Ames

  • Black Hills Yoga School is a school I would highly recommend to anyone interested in pursuing yoga training.  Melody combines the analytical aspects with the spiritual, and has created a very comprehensive program.

    Her knowledge of anatomy, physiology, energy work and psychology provide the perfect foundations for the class and prepare future yoga instructors on so many levels.

    She welcomes everybody and teaches us how to have grace with the situation and perspectives in which we might be teaching.  It was a lot of information in a short amount of time, but the way it was broken down, organized, and made accessible to all of us in the class made it a wonderful experience.

    I truly loved my experience and see this teacher as a mentor and leader in the Yoga community.

    Jimi Josephson

    Black Hills Yoga Logo

    If you are interested in learning more about the Black Hills Yoga School, please complete the inquiry below, and we will get back to you!